Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Delay Beginning of Flashing Yellow Arrow Due To Opposing Queue of Cars

This post is a continuation of a previous post showing a modified operation of Flashing Yellow Arrow as described in a previous post.  See:


This post documents additional modifications to the Flashing Yellow Arrow operations, to delay the onset of the FYA if the signal would cycle from the side street back to the main street, but there is a queue of thru cars opposing the vehicles in the left turn pocket.  The assumption here is that the protected left turn portion of the FYA operation is a queue dependent lagging protected left turn.

The example in this blog post is running in a Trafficware / Naztec 2070 controller, running Apogee V.76.7d.  While I am not advocating the use of any specific controller brand or software version, the description here is based on what I am using in the field.

Traffic signal controller settings to modify the FYA operation.


  • Continue use of inhibiting FYA across pedestrian WALK and FDW
  • Continue inherent controller delay of FYA by implementing FYA Delay Time under MM-1-5-2-(OL#)-3
  • Continue phase sequence to lag the protected left on the FYA, based on standing queue in the left turn lane at the end of the main street green phase
  • New operation in free and coordinated TOD plans.
  • New operation to inhibit the FYA when a queue of cars is in the opposing lane
  • New operation will not allow a ped call while inhibiting the FYA to start the WALK, rather it will hold the ped call until the next time the phase is served.
    • For example:
      • The signal ends phase 2, a queue exists on the SB thru lane (associated with phases 4 and 9).  
      • The signal would  come up in phases 9 and 8 (the queue of SB cars calls phase 9 as opposed to the min green for phase 8).  
      • The FYA head will display a steady red left turn arrow to the NBL traffic, while cycling phase 9, then when the SB traffic gaps out for phase 9, or maxes out for phase 9, the signal will transition from 9 to 4, and the NBL flashing yellow arrow head will transition from a steady red arrow to the FYA indication.
      • A late ped call across the west leg (ped 9) while the signal is timing phase 9 may display a WALK and FDW for Phase 9, which could end up with the signal needing to go into offset seeing mode

The phase diagram for this controller is as follows:

Phase diagram for signal controller running a modified flashing yellow arrow operation.
The modified FYA will provide a red left turn arrow across a specific pedestrian in WALK or FDW
(for example, Phase 7 will display a red arrow while the ped associated with phase 11 is provided a
WALK or FDW).  When ped 11 is through with timing the WALK, FDW, yellow and all-red, then the
controller will transition to phase 8, but since phases 11 and 8 are run through overlap 11 on load switch
position 8, the signal indication remains green for the thru movement.  After the signal transitions to
phase 8, the phase 7 FYA will be displayed.

In this case, the southbound left turns, associated with phases 7 and 12 on overlap 12 can be individually
programmed to provide either leading or lagging protected left turns, based on the NTCIP Action plan.
Setting up the controller in this way allows the signal to switch the lead and lagging protected left turns by TOD
without needing to go into free to allow for a change of sequence in coordination.

Intersection Layout and Description

Screen shot of intersection phasing and detection
In this case, the signal does not have stopbar detection on the main street.  There is main street presence detection located at approximately 60-ft to 80-ft from the stopbar.  The left turn detection also does not include stopbar detection.  There is presence detection located at approximately 20-ft to 40-ft from the stopbar in the left turn lane.  Since the signal rests in green on the main street, the FYA will normally come up.  The presence detection in the left turn lane is queue dependent to drive a lagging protected left turn lane.

The signal rests in min green for phases 4 and 8.  The signal is split phase eastbound (phase 1) / westbound (phase 2).  There is no ped for phase 2.  The eastbound approach to the signal serves a center including a big box retail, movie theater and, a restaurant and several smaller strip mall facilities.  The east leg serves a single parking lot for a small office complex.

If you look at the left turn arrow icons for phases 3 and 7, you will see that they are black, while the icons for phases 10 and 12 are red.  At the time that this screen shot was taken, phases 3 and 7 were omitted by the coord plan, but phases 10 and 12 were included.  They are displaying red, however the display also includes orange icons for the FYA indications.  These are driven off the channel outputs for the ped yellows that the FYA is operating from.  When the signal is not displaying a FYA, the orange arrows go black, providing an excellent indication of whether the signal is in protected left, FYA left, or just steady red or steady yellow for the lefts.

Also, note that the main street peds are phases 9 and 11, not the normal 4 and 8.    The pedestrian indications include unique phasing as a part of the special operation to not allow the FYA across the ped WALK or FDW, as described in the previous post on FYA operations.

Controller Coordination Programming Parameters:

One thing that must be considers is how tight the coordination parameters restrict the phasing and timing.  In this case, in order to get the signal to operate with all of the extra phases for the special FYA operation, the timing must be very tightly controlled.

One key thing that must be controlled is how the signal goes into offset seeking mode.  There are valid reasons why a controller may exceed the cycle length in coordination by over 0.1 second.

If the controller is only allowed to longway transition, you may find that your controller will bounce once in a while, where the signal exceeds the cycle length by 1 second, so the signal then goes into longway offset seeking mode to transition back to coordination sync.  This means that if the signal exceeds the cycle by 1 second, it must longway transition (cycle length - 1).  This could be a very long crawl for a signal running at a 140 second cycle that must longway transition 139 seconds over 3 exceptionally long cycles since the longway transition was set at 33%...  That would mean that the signal would need almost 560 seconds, or 9 minutes 20 seconds to get back into step if it exceeds the cycle by 1 second, and only has longway transition activated.  The caveat to this may be if the specific brand and model of controller firmware includes a special operation for allowing the split divisions to be less than the sum of (WALK+FDW+Yellow+All-red)

The coordination parameters inside the Apogee firmware allows each Action Plan to include 4 specific phases to not to be transitioned via shortway transition.  This allows for shortway transition to be very effective where you need specific phases to never shorten in the transition.  Having this type of control can really provide a nice way to get back into step if your cycle gets slightly long.

Before you decide that your controller never exceeds the cycle length under normal operation, take a good look at the specific cycle by cycle operation.  You may be very interested in how closely the coord cycle length is actually operating vs. the slight variations that you were unaware of.

Late Pedestrian Actuations

One key thing that must be accounted for is how does the signal accommodate late pedestrian actuations while in coordination.  In some cases, if there is time in the split divisions, a pedestrian pushing the button on the main street shortly after the main street green is provided will allow the ped indication to transition to WALK.  In this case, because of the special operation at the signal with the FYA, this needs to be prohibited.  If the pushbutton is actuated after the phase next decision is made, the signal really needs to lock the ped call, then come back to it.

Admittedly, this does hinder the pedestrian crossing, but at the same time, it is providing improved safety for the pedestrian, to insure that vehicles are not turning left across the crosswalk while the WALK or FDW is timing.

The Apogee software allows by Action Plan, to determine if the peds will be inhibited or not.  In this case, for the times of day where the FYA is operating in coordination, the specific Action Plans have this feature turned on.

Detection Settings to Inhibit the FYA When There Is An Opposing Queue

The goal here is not to inhibit the FYA when the opposing queue appears.  Rather it is to inhibit the FYA when the signal cycles from the side street back to the main street - if there is a queue of cars in the oncoming thru lanes.

In the Apogee software, each detection input is allowed to specifically be mapped to one phase.  Getting one detection input to do two separate things is accomplished by using the "source" feature.  Essentially, you program an unused detector input to be sourced from another detector.

I have used several controllers which allow you to map a single detection input to any of the 16 phases in the NTCIP controller.  I have to admit at first I didn't like Apogee's sourcing method, since I was used to assigning a controller's detector input to 2 or 3 phases, depending on what I wanted to do with the detector.  However, once I started working with Apogee's Sourcing features, I figured out that it was an exceptionally powerful tool.  You can source the detectors such that you can monitor a wide variety of things, such as:

  • The primary detector input logs occupancy during green + yellow
  • The sourced detector logs occupancy during any combination of green / yellow / red for any phase
  • The primary detector calls one phase as a standard call / extend detector
  • The sourced detector can be an extend only for another phase
  • The sourced detector can be a NTCIP queue detector for another phase
  • The primary and sourced detectors can have completely different delay and extension factors for running different types of signal operations from the same detector
and so on.

Sometimes flexibility comes in many different methods.  Once I started playing with this, it became very obvious how powerful this specific method of sourcing could be.

In this case:

  • Detectors 33 and 34 are sourced from detectors 9 and 10.  
    • Detector inputs 9 and 10 are the true inputs driving phase 4, but in this modification, 33 and 34 will drive call and extension detection for phase 9.
  • Detectors 35 and 36 are sourced from detectors 3 and 4.  
    • Detector inputs 3 and 4 are the true inputs driving phase 8, but in this modification, 35 and 36 will drive call and extension detection for phase 11.

In short, this type of operation allows the signal to delay the onset of the FYA for a left turn, where because of traffic congestion, there would be no opportunity to turn permissively across the oncoming cars anyway.  Since this is detection driven, the delay of the onset of the FYA would only appear when there is an opposing queue of cars.

It can be a little challenging in lighter traffic volumes.  Since a "dummy" phase is being called to drive the red arrow across the oncoming traffic, the "dummy" phase must time the min green, plus any extensions, plus the yellow and all-red before providing the left turn with a Flashing Yellow Arrow indication.  It may be appropriate to rethink the min green timings for the "dummy" phase to a short value to reduce undue delays to the left turning traffic.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Real Time Congestion Monitoring on Arterials

This article is on how to use your central system to provide real time congestion mapping, and incident notifications.  The example here is using Naztec's ATMS.now central system and Naztec controllers using Apogee Version 76.x firmware.  As I have said before, I am not a Naztec employee, or vendor.  I am a local agency traffic engineer who uses Naztec products.  I would assume that other brands of controllers and central systems can do similar operations.

In our case, each detection zone (each induction loop (or array of circle loops within a specific lane), video detection zone or radar detection zone is brought back into the controller using a unique channel.  The desire for detailed operational information drove the specific design of signal cabinets and detection systems.  We have a Caltrans 332 style cabinet which has a modified I and J file and wiring harnesses to take advantage of 46 unique detection inputs into the 2070 controller using the C1 and C11 harness.  The vast majority of our signal cabinets are NEMA TS2-1 where we have up to 48 or 64 channels of detection coming into the controller.  While this may seem excessive, the rich data we are provided through this expanded detection methodology provides us with a lot of tools to help our signals run better, and provide additional data for determining performance.

Each detection input is monitored in the controller for detection diagnostics along with logging volumes and occupancies on 5-minute intervals.  Almost all stopbar detection occupancies are tied to only log the occupancy when the signal is either green or yellow for the associated phase the detection channel drives in the controller.  In some cases, we choose to log green + yellow + red, or only yellow + red, but the vast majority of the stopbar detectors are logging occupancies only during green plus yellow.

In some cases, we do also mirror specific detectors to log green + yellow under one channel, but mirror the detection to log green + yellow + red, if we need additional information about how the lane is operating.

Why do we do this?

There are a lot of reasons.  One primary reason is that the central system is programmed to monitor each group of lanes for congestion.  The left turn lanes are separately monitored from the thru lanes.  When congestion occurs, the system logs the congestion levels, and specifically shows them on a map.  When specific thresholds are exceeded, the system also sends email notifications about a specific left turn or thru movement which has excessive congestion.

How do we do this?

As stated before, each controller's detection inputs are logging congestion data on 5-minute intervals.  That information is uploaded every 5 minutes to the central system via the Ethernet communications.  This is done mostly via fiber optic interconnect or Ethernet radios.  At some remote signals, the communications are accomplished via 3G cellular data modems.  We have had up to 4 signals reporting back continuously via cellular data modems without any problems.

ATMS.now – Congestion Monitoring Configuration

The basic congestion mapping for North, South, East and West is mapped on the scan screen, however functions within ATMS.now allow for additional information to be used for incident triggering.
Below is a picture of NE Hazel Dell at Ne 99th St, showing the detector layout and the basic N, S, E and W congestion mapping.

Screen shot of Naztec ATMS.now central system showing the detection, phasing, pedestrian
and other features.  The green lines with "Occupancy: #" show the percent occupancy during
the approach's phase green + yellow of the stopbar detection for the previous 5 minutes
Each detector used for this function needs to have occupancy, or volume checked in the controller (MM-5-2, Occup and Volum columns).  The reporting period of the detector data needs to be set to 5 minutes in the controller (MM-5-8-1).

Each of the directions need to be associated with the specific detection inputs for the congestion levels.  In addition to the north, south, east, and west congestion levels being defined, the other 4 are defined.

Screen shot of Naztec ATMS.now central system definition of congestion mapping for a
signalized intersection The user has the option of choosing congestion thresholds of
occupancy, volumes or speeds based on specific detection inputs.  The specific
threshold values for "Medium" and "High" correspond to the color of the lines
on the map for the congestion (low is green, medium is yellow and high is red).  The
specific medium and high thresholds also correspond to unique incident triggers
 that the central system can implement.
Under Definitions, Incident Triggers, create the incident triggers for the 8 locations.

Screen shot of Naztec AMS.now showing the incident triggers based on inputs
Note that there are 8 separate congestion alerts for each signal (1 for each left turn, and 1 for each thru movement).  This is true only where separate left turn lanes exist.  In the event that the left is permissive, this tracks the frequency that congestion on the permissive left turn lane exceeds the high threshold as set in the Congestion Level Definition.

One problem with this system is that when a loop fails, and constantly calls, this mapping will generate constant email messages.  If you look at the list above, under 3425, you will see that none of the day of the week boxes are checked (orange oval).  In this case, a contractor cut out the stopbar loops when they were not supposed to, and the controller is running in recall, with the loop amplifiers failing.  To keep the email messages from overwhelming the user, this approach’s two congestion incident triggers were turned off for weekdays.  This provides a good visual indication of where problems need to be fixed in the field.

Under Incident Trigger, create the congestion incident triggers similar to the following.  The text for the box “Description” is important, since this is the specific message provided in the email, and in reports run in ATMS.now.

Screen shot of Naztec ATMS.now incident trigger.  The specific time and dates when the incident
trigger is in place can be customized.  The incident triggers can also be set up based on
alarms or congestion to change the pattern, turn on a CMS sign with a message, turn on a video
camera which has been integrated into the central system software using the IV&C video relay
software, or send out an email notification
In general, the congestion incident triggers only run from 5 AM to 8:59 PM, Monday through Friday.

In the future, additional information will be included, such as camera triggers, to allow for future implementation of automatic PTZ camera viewing of congested areas.

The orientations on the incident trigger congestion and congestion level definition are as follows:

NB - North NBL – North West
SB – South SBL – South East
EB – East         EBL – North East
WB - West WBL – South West

The user distribution is set to Clark TMC Staff

Screen shot of Naztec ATMS.now central system showing how to set up the email alerts to a
specific group of users based on the incident trigger.
When the incident trigger criteria is met, ATMS.now will send an email to the people listed on the Clark TMC staff for the specific approach with the congestion alert.

The email sent will look similar to the following.  Note that the message in the text of the email is what was entered in the “Description” box of the incident trigger definition, plus the date and time.

If you do not populate the “Description” box with enough information, the emails will not have any specific meaning. 

Sample email from central system showing congestion incident
Specific reports can also be run within ATMS.now

Sample report from Naztec ATMS.now showing the reporting abilities

Like other reports in ATMS.now, the text of the report can be exported to Excel, PDF, Word documents and RTF formats, in addition to printing them out on a printer.

Additionally, specific reports can be run showing the relative congestion on specific approaches to the signalized intersections.

Sample of congestion reporting for sample intersection.  The different colored lines
correspond to the  specific occupancies of the stopbar detectors during
green plus + yellow of the signal for that approach's phase.


This is a lot of work to do.  There are dozens, if not hundreds of settings in each controller.  There are thousands of settings in the central system which must be made, and verified.  A detailed understanding of how each controller is connected to the unique detection system in the intersection is mandatory.  After the system is set up, all of the thresholds will need to be verified and adjusted to show what is truly special as opposed to regular congestion.

The net result is that this type of operation in a central system provides invaluable data for understanding where the problems exist regularly as opposed to occasionally.  Also, this type of approach to signal operations provides advance notice that something is happening in the field.  In many cases, the system has told me that something has occured (collision, failed detection etc) via this type of programming, and I am already working on the fix, or in many cases have already addressed the issue before the phone calls come in.